how to use powershell 2.0 GET-ACL command

Get the Access Control List (permissions) for a file or registry key.
      get-acl [[-Path] path [] ]  [-Filter String]
         [-Include String] [-Exclude String]
            [-Audit []] [-UseTransaction] [CommonParameters]

   -Path path       The path to the item {may be piped}
   -Filter String   Filter elements as required and supported by providers
   -Include String  Item(s) upon which Get-acl will act, wildcards are permitted
   -Exclude String  Item(s) upon which Get-acl is not to act
   -Audit           Retrieve audit data for this item from the System ACL
   -UseTransaction  Include the command in the active transaction.

       -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -WarningAction, -WarningVariable,
       -OutBuffer -OutVariable.
Get ACL information for the Windows directory:
PS C:\> get-acl C:\windows
Get ACL information for C:\Windows expanding the individual ACEs (access control entries)
PS C:\> $mywin = get-acl -path "c:\windows" | select -expand access
PS C:\> $mywin[0]
Get ACL information for all of the .log files in the Windows directory beginning with k.
Display output as a table showing the Path and the owner of each file:
PS C:\> get-acl C:\Windows\k*.log | format-table Path,owner
Retrieve HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control from the registry:
PS C:\> get-acl -path hklm:\system\currentcontrolset\control | format-list


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