Access Google Services From the Command Line
The first time you run Google CL, it will create a preferences folder at:
On one of our tests, we received an error saying that MSVCR71.dll was missing from our computer, so GoogleCL couldn’t run. This is a C++ runtime library in Windows, and most programs that need it include it with their program files. GoogleCL does not include this DLL in the zip file, so we’ll need to find a copy for it.
You’ll likely have many copies of this file throughout your computer, but GoogleCL cannot find them. So, do a computer-wide search for msvcr71.dll, and copy one of these files it finds.
Now paste that dll file in the GoogleCL folder, and run google.exe as before. Everything should work perfectly this time.
Using GoogleCL
GoogleCL’s syntax is very easy to use and understand. To get started, you might want to checkout the readme.txt file included. Or, just type help at the prompt to get some quick instructions.
You can use GoogleCL to access services on Picasa, Blogger, YouTube, Docs, Contacts, and Calendar via the command line interface, and we’d love to see future versions will include support for more items including Gmail and Search. For now, though, these services are still useful. Enter help followed by a service name to see more info about it and some usage examples. Here we see the help for Calendar.
Activating a Service
When you first use a service, you’ll have to activate your computer with it online. For instance, if we wanted to see all the appointments in our Calendar, we’d enter Calendar list. You’ll be asked to specify a user; enter your Gmail email address. Then, you’ll be prompted to approve the access in your browser, and the approval page will automatically open in your default browser.
Click Grant access in the webpage that opens, and then press Enter in the GoogleCL window.
You’ll have to do this for each of the Google services you use. Even closely related services like Contacts and Calendar have to be activated individually. One interesting aspect of this is that you could have different Google account associated with different services. Once they’re activated, though, it’ll be easy to use these services on this computer.
Using GoogleCL
GoogleCL has tons of functions you can use to interact with Google’s services. We’ll look at a few of the functions we found interesting.
First, we tried uploading a document to Docs. To do this, enter:
docs upload path_to_your_document
This may take a minute depending on the size of your document, but once it’s done, you’ll see a success message and a link to your document.
You’re supposed to be able to edit documents by entering:
docs edit –title “your_document” –editor your_editor
However, this didn’t work in our tests, and we received an error message. This should work in the future, and could have been caused by a problem on our end, but it would not work in any of our tests.
GoogleCL worked great for uploading videos to YouTube. Once you’ve authorized your account, enter:
youtube post “your_file_path”
Enter a category name when requested, and GoogleCL will start uploading your video to YouTube. As usual, this will take a few minutes depending on the size of your video, but it’s still quicker than going to the YouTube page to post a video.
Note that you may see an error if you enter a category that is not available on YouTube. If so, try again, this time entering a correct category.
For your reference, here’s some of the categories you can use from…so make sure you use one of them.
GoogleCL makes Blogger into a geekier blogging service. You can review, tag and even create new posts on Blogger, all directly from command line. You can write the body of your post in a text file, and you can even use HTML markup to make the post look like you want. To do this, enter the following in GoogleCL:
blogger post –title “your_title” path_to_post_file
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